Specifying: vegaspecThe central object of this package is a |
Coerce to vegaspec |
Examine vegaspec |
Coerce vegaspec to JSON |
Autosize vegaspec |
Rename datasets in a vegaspec |
Convert to Vega specification |
Determine vegaspec version |
Create string for schema-URL |
Rendering: vegawidgetThe central side-effect of this package is to render a |
Create a Vega/Vega-Lite htmlwidget |
Vega embed options |
Set base URL |
Knit-print method |
ShinyThis package lets you render vegawidgets in Shiny. Once renrdered, it also provides functions to access Vega datasets, signals, and events from Shiny. The function |
Render shiny-output for vegawidget |
Shiny-output for vegawidget |
Set information in a Vega chart from Shiny |
Get information from a Vega chart into Shiny |
Run Shiny demonstration-apps |
JavaScriptIn addition to Shiny, this package provides functions to add JavaScript listeners to Vega charts and to compose JavaScript handlers. This lets you create interactivity in RMarkdown documents, but you are responsible for providing all the additional HTML and JS code to make it work. To see some examples, please see this article on JavaScript. |
Add JavaScript listeners |
Construct a JavaScript handler |
Add a side-effect to a JavaScript handler |
Interpolate into a JavaScript string |
DataThis package provides some sample specifications and datasets. |
Example vegaspec: mtcars scatterplot |
Example dataset: Categorical data |
Example dataset: Seattle daily weather |
Example dataset: Seattle hourly temperatures |
ImagesIf you have V8 installed, you can convert and write a |
Create or write image |
UtilitiesYou can use |
Add vegawidget functions to your package |
Serialize data-frame time-columns |
Get Vega JavaScript versions |