Melbourne microclimate measurements



A tibble with 32,253 rows and 12 variables:

  • site: Site identifier, this is the location of the weather sensor, there are five sites located around the city.

  • site_address: The address of the site

  • longitude, latitude: The spatial coordinates of the measurement sites

  • date_time: The local date time that a sensor made a recording

  • date: Date associated with date_time

  • ambient_temperature: The value of the ambient air temperature in degrees Celsius.

  • relative_humidity: The percent value of the relative humidity (no units)

  • barometric_pressure: The barometric pressure in hectopascals (hPa)

  • wind_speed: The wind speed in kilometers per hour (km/h)

  • pm2.5,pm10: The mass density of particulate matter in the air less than 2.5 (10) micrometers in diameter. Measured in micrograms per cubic meter.


Melbourne Open Data Portal


This data comes from the Melbourne Open Data Portal and contains measurements from microclimate sensors around the city. Here we have restricted the data to contain measurements from January 2020 and June 2020. There are five sites where measurements are taken every 15 minutes.