At the moment, this guide is intended for the vegawidget organization, so that we may collaborate more efficiently and reliably. When this package reaches a certain point, we will welcome contributions from the community.

  • We will use the master branch as the reference branch.

  • The master branch will be updated only by pull-request (PR).

  • Each update of the master branch will have a new version number; this will be one of the things we check before merging a PR.

  • We will not merge a PR into master unless the checks pass; this will help us make sure that the master branch always remains “passing”.

  • A PR into master will be reviewed by at least one author; exceptions can be made for merging PRs that fix bugs.

When we develop a new feature, we will establish a feature branch, e.g. geom-rect:

  • we will each push our development work into that branch; I imagine each of us will be contributing R code, JS code, tests, and/or documentation.

  • when we are all happy that the feature is “done”, we will merge the PR for the feature branch, then delete the feature branch.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the ggvega project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.