This document is adapted from the Other Charts section of the Altair Example Gallery.

Our first step is to set up our environment:

Binned Movie Rating Heatmap

Altair Example


Facetted Scatterplot with marginal histograms

Altair Example

There is a slight difference from the Altair example in the yscale, to get everything to line-up correctly.


Layering text over a heatmap

Altair Example


Multiple Marks

Altair Example


Ranged Dot Plot

Altair Example

This example shows a ranged dot plot that uses layer to convey changing life expectancy for the five most populous countries (between 1955 and 2000).


Steam and Leaf Plot

Altair Example


Trail Marker

Altair Example

The trail marker is like the line marker, but it allows properties of the line (such as thickness) to vary along the length of the line. This shows a simple example of the trail mark using stock prices.
